Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hurley drops a bomb

"I don't feel too good"

"Unnngh!! *parp!*"

"DUDE! What is wrong with your guts? That smells rank!"

"I er, was up last night dipping raw hot dogs in ranch dressing...sorry dude"

"Bleurch! Smells so...bad...."

"Jack, what is that ungodly stench?!"

"Oh, dudes! Watch out for the brown smoke monster - he's heading your way!"



Locke: "Here we are: the Other's vil-"
Kate: "AAACHOO!"
Sayid: "shhh!!!"

"Wow, it's so modern!" (maybe they have *gasp* - internet access!

Online Poker, DarkUFO's blog, internet solitare...take me now, Others!)

Kate: "omg it's Jack!"

Sayid: "Don't give away our position. Look, there's Friendly"

Sayid: "Come on Jack, you know what to do. Football in groin, Football in groin!!!"

Jack: "Touchdown!! w00t! I'm on fire!"

"It's worse than I feared. They're engaging in...horseplay..."

"...Dear God..."